Sources cited and recommended reading 

Complexity-aware design Hertz, T., Brattander, E., & Rose, L.(2021). Complexity-Aware Monitoring and Evaluation. Journal Of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 17(41), 35-50.
Douthwaite, B., & Hoffecker, E. (2017). Towards a complexity-aware theory of change for participatory research programs working within agricultural innovation systems. Agricultural systems, 155, 88-102.
4Cs Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek, K., & Owczarek, T. (2020). Complementarity of communication and coordination in ensuring effectiveness of emergency management networks. Sustainability, 13(1), 221.
Cultural Competence US Department of Health and Human Services. (2003). Developing cultural competence in disaster mental health programs: Guiding principles and recommendations. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
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Puerto Rioo Context Chopel, A., Fernos-Sagebien, A. J., & Gorbea, L. (2021). Relationships Between Distribution of Disaster Aid, Poverty, and Health in Puerto Rico. Poverty, and Health in Puerto Rico (August 26, 2021).
Fischbach, J. R., May, L. W., Whipkey, K., Shelton, S. R., Vaughan, C. A., Tierney, D., ... & TEAM, H. (2020). After Hurricane Maria: Predisaster conditions, hurricane damage, and recovery needs in Puerto Rico. RAND Corporation
Garcıa, I. (2021). Deemed ineligible: Reasons homeowners in Puerto Rico were denied aid after Hurricane Marıa. Housing Policy Debate, 32, 14-34.
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Hinojosa, J., & Meléndez, E. (2018). The housing crisis in Puerto Rico and the impact of Hurricane Maria. Hunter College, NY: Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños.
Narratives Coloniality of Disaster Hsu, K. J., & Schuller, M. (2020). Humanitarian aid and local power structures: lessons from Haiti's ‘shadow disaster’. Disasters, 44(4), 641-665.
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Complexity-aware evaluation approach and Participatory Evaluation Duckers, M. (2021). Capturing intervention in its context: the next frontier in disaster response evaluation and scale-up planning. Intervention, 19(1), 4.
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Gorbea Díaz, L., Chopel, A., Fernós Sagebién, A., Bonilla Marrero, L., Rivera Figueroa, G., Pecci Zegrí, N., ... & Sánchez Rey, P. (2023). Collecting and communicating perishable data in a post-disaster context: rapid research and rapid dissemination. Frontiers in Sociology, 8, 959765.