On Tuesday, July 26, 2022, the PR PASS workshop conducted the Second Community Workshop related to the Impact Study of the Puerto Rico Recovery Program (PRPR) of Habitat for Humanity. About 40 people participated in this event, including beneficiaries of the services provided by the PRPR and residents of comparable communities who had not availed of the services. Attendees gathered to learn about the research plan developed by the Steering Committee that was selected during the First Community Workshop. They also had the opportunity to evaluate and validate the impact survey that will inform the PRPR impact evaluation. The event concluded with the creation of a collaborative mural titled: The Path to Recovery, and an educational musical presentation of bomba loiceña.

In our first workshop, last year, we had a sharing session among citizens from different towns about various experiences of Hurricane Maria and the recovery journey undertaken by the participants. During the Second Workshop, a report on what was learned and achieved from the first workshop was shared with the attendees.